Autumn Lunchtime Lectures 2015
Monday 28th September Dr. Robert Strivens “The Synod of Dort”. Monday 16th November Rev. Gary Brady “William Brock”. Both these lectures will begin at 1 pm at the Library. All welcome.
DetailsMonday 28th September Dr. Robert Strivens “The Synod of Dort”. Monday 16th November Rev. Gary Brady “William Brock”. Both these lectures will begin at 1 pm at the Library. All welcome.
DetailsThis year the Library is continuing its series of discussion meetings considering various topics of current interest or abiding relevance. All are welcome to join us for a time of stimulating fellowship and engagement on matters of real moment.
DetailsIn line with current state government advice we will be closed until further notice. We are sorry for any inconvenience. Further,could members hold on to any books they have on loan and do not post them back to us during this crisis. We can post books to people at present. Just e mail us with…
DetailsIn light of the current coronavirus and government guidelines there will be no lunchtime lectures at the Library for the foreseeable future. We will also be announcing reduced opening hours at the Library in a short while.
Lunch time lectures are held at the Library from time to time and it was good to see us in double figures for the last one to hear one of our trustees, Dr Ian Densham from Hemel Hempstead, on Philip Doddridge and preaching. The lecture is available from the Library in audio format. It was…
DetailsAt 6. 30 pm on Monday June 11 2018 (Do note that this is the second Monday in June) at the Evangelical Library. Subject: William Chalmers Burns: evangelist and missionary to China Lecturer: Donald J McLean Cambridge All are very warmly welcomed!
DetailsThe latest edition of In Writing is now available from the Library. Copies are free to members and £1.50 when sold. The latest edition of our house magazine contains the excellent annual lecture given last year by Mark Stevenson on 19th century Brethren soteriology. We are very grateful to Dr Stevenson for presenting the paper…
DetailsThe latest issue of the Library magazine is now available. It is automatically sent to members and can be purchased from the Library for £1.50. This issue contains articles on Richard Baxter and John Owen.
The latest lunchtime lecture was on “Richard Bernard and his book on conscience” and was given by Gary Brady. Due to limited publicity and the snowy weather turn out was not great. The audio can be obtained from the Library at a nominal price. We are hoping for a better attendance at the next lecture…
DetailsThe Library is currently closed and will not reopen until December 2 at the earliest. This is in line with current government legislation.