This is a list of the first 28 published annual lectures
1951 Packer, James I “The practical writings of the English Puritans”
1952 Kevan, Ernest “The Puritan Doctrine of conversion”
1953 Murray, John “Reformation Principles”
1954 Bruce, F F “Sure mercies of David; a study of the fulfilment of Messianic prophecy”
1955 Lewis, Edwin “The Puritans and the Seventh of Romans”
1956 Murray, Iain “Faith of the English Reformers”
1957 Ford, R E “The lesser known works of John Bunyan”
1958 Young, Edward J “Jesus Christ, the Servant of the Lord”
1959 Cossar, James “Contending for the faith”
1960 Evans, Eifion “Revivals, their Rise, Progress and Achievements”
1961 Collins, G N M “Samuel Rutherford”
1962 Lloyd-Jones, D M “1662-1962”
1963 Wood, A Skevington “William Grimshaw of Haworth”
1964 Evans, Eifion “Revivals, their Rise, Progress and Achievements”
1965 Collins, G N M “Samuel Rutherford”
1967 Graham, R J “Martin Luther and his relevance for today”
1968 Evans, Eifion “Revivals, their Rise, Progress and Achievements”
1969 Kingdon, D P “Training for the Ministry”
1970 Jones, Hywel R “Thomas Cartwright, 1535-1603”
1971 Harrison, Graham “Dr John Gill and his teaching”
1972 Murray, Iain “John Knox”
1973 Evans, Eifion “Revivals, their Rise, Progress and Achievements”
1974 Houghton, S M “Isaac Watts”
1975 Jones, Hywel “Samuel Tregelles, 1813-1875: Background to modern Bible translations”
1976 Kendall, R T “Influence of Calvin and Calvinism Upon the American Heritage”
1977 Davies, Andrew “The Moravian Revival of 1727 and some of its consequences”
1978 Cook, Paul “Augustus Toplady”