Latest Lunchtime Lecture

The latest lunchtime lecture was on “Richard Bernard and his book on conscience” and was given by Gary Brady. Due to limited publicity and the snowy weather turn out was not great. The audio can be obtained from the Library at a nominal price. We are hoping for a better attendance at the next lecture…

Lunch Time Lectures 2013

We are hoping to have three lunchtime lectures at the Library in the first three months of next year on different subjects The lectures arranged are as follows: Monday January 21 2013 (not January 28 as suggested previously) Richard Bernard and his book on conscience Rev Gary Brady Monday February 18 2013 Martin Bucer –…

Lunchtime Lectures on Past Baptists

Gary Brady’s lunchtime lecture on Alexander Maclaren now available. On 15 November, Barry King gave a lunchtime lecture on John Sutcliff and the prayer call of 1784 – praying for revival The full text of Gary Brady’s Lunchtime lecture on Monday 18 October 2010 about Alexander Maclaren is now available on the Lectures and Articles…

Owen and the Trinity

Report of the Lunch Time Lecture given on Monday 22 March 2010 by Professor Paul Helm The single figure turn out was a little disappointing but it was good to be at the first lunch time meeting in the new building of the Evangelical Library. Professor Paul Helm gave a fascinating introduction to a forgotten…

New Buildings

At long last the Evangelical Library has moved to its new premises. For nearly two years now delicate negotiations have taken place to find a new home for the Library and to relocate it in better premises. The Chiltern Street property was becoming an increasing burden and two years ago we were faced with the…