Annual Lecture now to be on Zoom

The Annual Lecture 2020 already announced for 6. 30 pm on Monday October 26 2020 at the Evangelical Library on “Fanny Crosby and some of her contemporaries” by Stan Evers (Welwyn) will now be a zoom event, in light of changes in government legislation. The lecture will be accessible only online through Zoom. We will…


We are glad to say that from Monday June 8 we will be reopening with strict social distancing measures.Until further notice opening times will be Monday to Thursday 10 am to 4 pm.

Spring Lunchtime Lectures

Spring lectures have been arranged once again.All meetings are at the Library on Mondays from 1 pm and are always over by 2 pm. Jan 21 Norman Hopkins, Good Sir John Oldcastle and the Lollards of Kent Feb 18 Gary Brady, A short spiritual history of Coggeshall in Essex Mar 18 Ian Densham, The Greatness…

Spring Lunch Time Lectures 2018

We have arranged two Spring Lunch Time Lectures at the Library. Each lecture begins at 1 pm and is followed by discussion time permitting. All over by 2 pm. The details are as follows On Monday February 19th Gary Brady, the Chairman of the Library, will speak on David Brainerd. On Monday March 12th Pastor…

Autumn Lunch Time Lectures 2017

We have arranged a series of three Autumn Lunch Time Lectures at the Library. Each lecture begins at 1 pm and is followed by discussion time permitting. All over by 2 pm. The details are as follows September 4 Norman Hopkins, Early days Kent’s Oldest Baptist Church October 23 Lesley Rowe, Arthur Hildersham and the…

Spring Lunch Time Lectures 2017

There will be three lunch time lectures at the Library this Spring. On Monday 27th March Dr. Ian Densham will speak on “God is King”, on Monday 10th April Pastor Norman Hopkins will give a Powerpoint presentation on the Huguenots of Kent and on Monday 15th May Library chairman Gary Brady will speak on the…

Autumn Lunch Time Lectures 2016

  There will be two lunch time lectures at the Library this Autumn. On Monday 31st October Dr. Ian Densham will speak on “The love of God” and on Monday November 28th Pastor Norman Hopkins will speak on “Bishop Ashton Oxenden”. Both lectures will start at 1 pm and be over by 2 pm.