Andrew Fuller’s Pastoral Theology
This is the lunch time lecture given in September 2013 by Jeremy Walker on Andrew Fuller
This is the lunch time lecture given in September 2013 by Jeremy Walker on Andrew Fuller
This is the text of the lunch time lecture given by Mostyn Roberts on March 18, 2013 at the Evangelical Library.
This is the printed version of a lecture on the Puritan Richard Bernard (1568-1641) focusing on his book “Christian, see to thy conscience!”. The lecture was given by Gary Brady. More material on Richard Bernard can be found here.
This is the text of Dr Robert Strivens’ paper given at the lunch-time lecture in the Library on November 26, 2012, covering the early dissenting academies 1662-1689.
This is the substance of the lunch time lecture given at the Library on September 25, 2012. More on Machen here
This is the transcript of a paper given by Robert Strivens at a lunch time lecture at the Library in the Autumn of 2011.
This is the Lunchtime lecture on Hugh Latimer given by Rev Jeremy Walker, a trustee of the Library, on Monday 28 November 2011.
This is an article about a little known Suffolk lad who became a successful London merchant and who was a great blessing to Baptist churches in Bloomsbury, Hampstead and elsewhere in London in his time. His story ought to be better known. The lecture was given by Gary Brady at a lunch time meeting in…
An article on Philip Doddridge by Dr Ian M Densham Philip Doddridge (1702-1751) has had a bad press over the years. Even C. H. Spurgeon, who heartily recommended his “Family Expositor”, did not consider that Doddridge was as bold and orthodox as he should have been. Consequently, he has been under a cloud in the…
by Francis Schaeffer (Book Review by Dr. J Andrew Charles) Dr Francis Schaeffer was born in 1912, converted in 1930 and died in 1984. In his long and influential ministry he addressed many of the great issues which confronted Christians in the second half of the twentieth century. In Escape from reason (1968), he affirmed that to…