Annual Lecture 2015
It was good to have so many along to the lecture on Monday, June 1. Around 40 were present to hear an excellent lecture.
It was good to have so many along to the lecture on Monday, June 1. Around 40 were present to hear an excellent lecture.
Monday 28th September Dr. Robert Strivens “The Synod of Dort”. Monday 16th November Rev. Gary Brady “William Brock”. Both these lectures will begin at 1 pm at the Library. All welcome.
The Evangelical Library’s Annual Lecture will be held at the Library on Monday 1st of June at 6.30pm. Dr. Digby James will lecture on “Richard Baxter 1615-1691”. A very warm welcome to all.
This Spring we have two lunchtime lectures here at the library that we would love you to come and be a part of: Monday 9th March when Robert Strivens will speak on “William Perkins and how to live happily forever” Monday 18th May when Ian Densham will speak on “The Infinity and Eternity of God” You are…